
Battles, campaigns and important basic decisions of WW2.

At this page, various interesting strategic decisions, campaigns and individual battles are investigated more closely, which had a more or less great influence on the course of WW2.

German flamethrower in action
History and causes of the Balkan campaign 1940-1941. Mussolini’s Greek adventure on 28 October 1940 to the German attack of Read more
Panther tank of the Panzer-Lehr-Division
Operation Cobra, the Allied Breakout from the Normandy Bridgehead: A Cruical Turning Point in WWII. Operation Cobra, the Allied Breakout Read more
Russian counter-attack near Moscow.
The Soviet winter offensive 1941/42 from December 5-6, 1941 and German Orders of Battle from 2 January 1942. The first Read more
Bismarck is firing on Hood
Operation Rheinübung ('Rhine Exercise'), the final cruise of the Bismarck. Detailed action, numerous photos and video about the sinking of Read more
Stukas flying across a German Panzer IV tank.
The Blitzkrieg 1939-1941: Dissecting the Strategies and Tactics of Lightning War. Lightning War Blitzkrieg, the German term for "lightning war," Read more
Begin of the Russian summer offensive in Byelorussia
Operation Bagration, the Soviet Summer Offensive 1944: Decisive Blow to German Army Group Center. Operation Bagration, the Soviet Summer Offensive Read more
capture of Paris
Second World War, overview of the course of the 'Blitzkriege' (lightning wars) from 1939 to 1940 (Part I). Polish campaign, Read more
Panzer 3 in street fightings.
Second World War, overview of the course of the 'Axis high tide' from 1941 to 1942 (Part II). Mediterranean theater, Read more
Otto Carius in the commander's cupola
Oberleutnant Otto Carius: Youngest Panzer Forces Oak Leaves Recipient's Heroic Deeds. Oberleutnant Otto Carius: Youngest Panzer Forces Oak Leaves Recipient's Read more
Nashorn tank destroyer in front of Vistula bridgehead
The last Russian Winter Offensive of the war started with the Battle of the Vistula. The Battle of the Vistula Read more
US 1st Infantry Division lands at the bloody Omaha Beach
Operation Overlord: Unveiling the Allied Strategy for Normandy on D-Day. Operation Overlord: Unveiling the Allied Strategy for Normandy on D-Day Read more
Operation Barabarossa
The German attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 - The beginning of the operation with the code-name Read more
Molotov at Berlin visit
Were there alternatives for Hitler to Operation Barbarossa ? Part II to the question 'Why the Germans invaded Russia ?' Read more
Control of territories
The map of the control of territories in the European theater of war from 1942-45. Above is the strategic map Read more
German assault party Tobruk
The Siege of Tobruk, from April to December 1941 (Part II). Rommel’s attack on the defensive perimeter, trench warfare and Read more
1st Panzer Army in the 'wandering pocket'
Battle of Kamenets-Podolsky in western Ukraine, March-April 1944. The exemplary breakout of the German 1st Panzer Army (General Hube) from Read more
Soldiers of the 214th Infantry Division with truck
The Eastern Front from winter 1943-44 until late summer 1944. Ending the siege of Leningrad and Operation Bagration, the destruction Read more
Pioneer Tombs
Losses and casualties during World War II. Military personnel and civilian losses, aircraft, warships and merchant ships of the combatants Read more
'Schleswig-Holstein' bombards the Westerplatte
The campaign against Poland in September 1939 (Part I). Deployment, the German attack and the advance on Warsaw until 9 Read more
Ju 52 landed on Maleme airfield
Operation Merkur (Mercury), the 'Battle of Crete'. German Plan of Attack and assault troops, deployed forces, intelligence, the fighting and Read more

Attack of German infantry
Attack of German infantry during the Blitzkrieg campaigns.
In so doing, less emphasis is placed on the number of battles or even on the complete treatment of all campaigns and strategic decisions, but on the essential and important operations for an important time interval of the WW2 War Diary or the armies‘ organization. The main focus here is on the units deployed in these battles and campaigns, and their strength, equipment and armament.

Additional, a large space is given to the strategic decisions of the principle – and here, above all (except maybe Joseph Stalin), the notorious individual decisions of the German Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, who dominate everything. Hitler so decisively influence the course of the war as no other of the participating decision-makers.

Although Hitler had all options in his hands until the summer of 1941, his decisions resulted in the creation of the campaigns and battles, but the booklet of the trade was then torn from his hands of the Allies. However, all subsequent events, which were mostly triggered by the Allies, were still the product of Hitler’s strategy.

Especially for the development of war games as exact simulations are questions of the possible historical options and the ‘what if?’ necessary, besides the exact assessment of the fighting power of the involved armed forces and weapons for the calculation of alternative and fictional battles, if players or an artificial intelligence (AI) as ‘Supreme Commander’ takes other decisions than actually happened during WW2.

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